Friday, August 17, 2007

Debt Settlement Offers The Best Method to Control Your Debts

Credit solutions and debt settlement allow you to save money and pay off debts in a short time. You can easily enroll in a debt settlement program and avoid a credit check and expensive startup fees.
Debt settlement offers you three distinct advantages:
Settle debt at 40 percent to 60 percent of the original amount
Fast debt relief in only a few months
Simple enrollment without a credit check
Debt settlement companies work on your behalf to solve debt problems by entering into negotiations with your creditors. You pay off the settled debt at only a portion of the outstanding debt and interest. For example, you can reduce a $4,000 debt to only $1,600 with debt settlement.
Settling debt at a fraction of the owed amount enables you to payoff creditors in months rather than years. Instead of obtaining a 15-year debt consolidation loan to handle your financial problems, you can quickly improve your money situation with debt settlement.
The simple enrollment process saves you from excessive fees and lengthy approval periods. You do not need to wait several weeks or months to begin your debt settlement program. You can enroll today.
Comparing Debt Settlement with other Debt-Relief Methods
The benefits of debt settlement far exceed those of debt consolidation, credit counseling and bankruptcy. You pay less money toward eliminating each settled debt and you avoid paying interest on a consolidation loan. Converting unsecured credit card debt into a secured debt consolidation loan often leads to more uncontrolled debt.
Debt settlement provides a middle ground where you and your creditors can settle debts and agree on a repayment amount. Following the debt negotiation process, the creditor agrees to waive part of the settler’s debt and accepts the remaining sum as full repayment.
Bankruptcy gives you bad credit for 10 years and destroys your ability to pursue other financial options. With bankruptcy on your credit record, you’ll find difficulties in obtaining a loan, renting an apartment and getting a new job. Credit counseling does not offer any reduction in the principal amount of debt, but only a reduction in interest and late fees.
Learn more about debt settlement and debt consolidation from Brad, a financial author who writes for
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can also get fast cash advance online and deal with more pressing debt.

January 9, 2009 at 3:55 PM  

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